Mastering Self-Advocacy: Wisdom from a Managing Director & Modern Work Lead

During one of my D.C. Roadshows, I had the privilege of photographing Christy Nelson, Managing Director and North America Modern Work Lead at Avanade. I asked Christy to share advice for someone starting out. “I would tell them, especially women, learn the art of self-advocacy and marketing yourself. It’s essential.”

“Many women didn’t have mothers in the workforce to learn that skill. Those are techniques we need to learn or polish.”

“My job is focused on how people work in a cloud-based, hybrid-enabled way using Microsoft’s Modern Work platform. Using tools & platforms we create digital workplace experiences for the employee. I love to strategically transform business through technology.”

“How did a degree in theoretical math and a Master’s degree in math education land me here? Originally, I wanted to be a college professor, but I didn’t want to adjunct teach for years. So, I asked myself, what else can I do?”

“I ended up at Anderson Consulting, (now Accenture). One of my first assignments was programming I had never programmed beyond Pascal. But I learned & made a niche for myself. I found out that I have a broad skill set. Throw something at me, I’ll figure it out. I got super good results at my job, but I didn’t like it.”

“In 2015, I took the Clifton Strengths Assessment Test. It taught me what I naturally do best. My top strengths are strategic, achiever, significant, futuristic, & individualization.”

“I realized what I was doing at the time I no longer wanted to do. I wanted to develop the future and how to get there.”

“I asked my boss for a project to drive. My boss came back with: ‘We are going to give you a side gig that may take up 10% of your time.’ They threw me a bone. I created a new role for myself.”

“When I realized the potential this new role had, I created a marketing plan. I located the right people at senior level who would go to bat for me & showed them my business plan. That side gig went from 10% to a new full-time role doing what I love in 18 months.”

“I found an opportunity within my organization. I said ‘There’s a need & I can fill it.’”

“Find an opportunity you can & want to fill. Show the gap and what you have that will fill it. Test the market with a trusted audience.”

Seek out people who will champion you, go to them and get time on their calendars. Women need to hear this!”

“My headshot experience was tailored to me. The makeup and the prep work were so personalized.”

“Alissa asked, ‘What’s your favorite music?’ I listen to Jimmy Buffet on the weekend, so that’s what she played.”

“There I was, a Miami girl, listening to music that makes me smile, in a really good location standing in flip-flops. The atmosphere put me in such a good mood. It was a fun day. I love my headshots!”

“Recently I was interviewed for Authority Magazine. If I hadn’t had my new headshots, I wouldn’t have felt so great about the article. All I can say to Alissa is ‘Thank you, thank you!’”

Thank you, Christy!


About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New Jersey and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


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